=========================================== Contents -------- A. VirusNet LAN Eval Installation Instructions B. Starting VirusNet LAN C. VirusNet Operation D. About Safetynet =========================================== A. VirusNet LAN Eval Installation Instructions ---------------------------------------------- Thank you for looking at VirusNet LAN, an automatic anti-virus, software distribution and event scheduling system from Safetynet, Inc. This eval is identical to the live package except for a few Eval messages displayed on its screens. VirusNet LAN has passed the certification tests of independent agencies such as the National Computer Security Association and provides effective protection against viruses. A. Installing VirusNet LAN from Windows 1. Start Microsoft Windows. 2. Run SETUP.EXE from the directory where VirusNet LAN files are stored. 3. You will have the option of creating a Program Manager group to launch the VirusNet LAN programs. If you are not using Program Manager, add LANSDW.EXE to your menu shell. B. Installing VirusNet LAN from DOS The DOS eval is installed by copying the VirusNet LAN files to a network directory. ------------------------ B. Starting VirusNet LAN ------------------------ VirusNet LAN is configured through its LAN Scheduler & Distribution (LANSD) Network Console. From Windows: 1. Select the "Console for Windows" icon or run LANSDW.EXE directly. 2. Configure the settings. - Extensive context-sensitive help is available by pressing F1. 3. Add LANAGENT to the login script to distribute those settings to each workstation. From DOS: 1. Run the LANSD.EXE program. 2. Configure the settings. - Context-sensitive help is available by pressing F1. 3. Add LANAGENT to the login script to distribute those settings to each workstation. --------------------- C. VirusNet Operation --------------------- The DOS and Windows versions of VirusNet LAN operate in a similar way. Feel free to explore the various menu choices and command buttons with your mouse or keyboard. If you need more information, press the F1 key to receive help on that item. Detailed help is provided to assist you. ------------------ D. About Safetynet ------------------ Safetynet, Inc. develops security-related products for networks, PCs, and laptop computers. Our focus is on powerful, low-overhead security solutions that can be implemented by non-technical users. Safetynet products are available in single unit, site license and volume purchase agreements. Our products are on GSA Schedule. We are currently recruiting dealers, OEMs and international resellers. If you need more information, please contact us at: Safetynet, Inc. Customer Service Dept. 140 Mountain Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081 USA Sales - 1-800-851-0188 Support - 1-201-467-1024 Fax - 1-201-467-1611 BBS - 1-201-467-1581 (14400,N,8,1) CompuServe - go cis:safe E-Mail - safety@gti.net FTP - gti.net /pub/safetynet International Sales - +1 908-276-9641 International Fax - +1 908-276-6575